We can provide tailor-made suits to match your requirements
We also incorporate made-to-order methods into our bulletproof vests. Soft and lightweight bulletproof vests are made to order for each customer.
Using carbon nanotube technology, the lining of the suit is specially molded to create a protective layer that conforms snugly to the body while maintaining sharpness and style to keep you safe.
Seven-year Armor
Compatible with 9mm guns – Compatible with 40 S&W bullets
Compatible with Uzi submachine guns
Proven track record of providing the finest custom-made suits to customers around the world for the past 30 years
We have also launched other lineups of bulletproof and stab-proof suits.
In response to the unfortunate incidents that have been occurring around the world, we wanted to protect our customers, who are our most important assets, so we asked ourselves, “Is there anything we can do? We have decided to create this suit out of this desire.
While we hope that this suit will never be used for its intended purpose, we are focused on providing our customers with the peace of mind they deserve.
GNTMCO Defense Systems proprietary nanotechnology
GNTMCO Defense Systems proprietary nanotechnology fiber is a nano-reinforced high-strength synthetic fiber developed for flexible protective clothing.
It utilizes the strengths of aramid fibers, carbon nanotubes, graphene, and other high-strength nanomaterials.
At about 1/50,000 the size of a human hair, 30 times stronger than Kevlar and 100 times stronger than steel, but one-sixth the weight, carbon nanotubes are undoubtedly the material of the future innovations.
The high strength and light weight of carbon nanotubes, coupled with their flexibility, make it possible to add them to other materials such as reinforced concrete.